Ben's Language Lab

Image Talk #6

Image Talk

Episode 6


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Hi, my name is Ben. You're watching Image Talk. This video is meant for English beginners. And today, we're going to be talking about five images. If you need, there are subtitles available, and the entire transcript is on And make sure you subscribe. Right now, all you need to do is watch, listen, and enjoy. Let's start with this picture of a pizza. This is a very delicious looking picture. Makes me hungry. Mmm. This looks good. This is a pizza. Everybody knows pizza, basically. It's very, very famous in the world. Almost everybody has heard of pizza. You, me, your friends, my friends, everybody. It's so popular. Pizza has a crust. This is the part on the outside, the bread, is called a crust. The dough is what you get before you bake it, right? So you have a dough and then it goes into the oven and it gets burned, it gets lit on fire and heated up and then it becomes a pizza, right? And so the dough is the raw version of the crust of the pizza. Pizzas usually have tomato sauce as well. Here's a tomato, right? Tomato, tomatoes, these are all tomatoes. And then when you crush them up and you add some things inside, some salt, some pepper, some spices, right? All these things, you get a sauce. A sauce covers the entire pizza, right? You can cover the pizza with sauce and then you put on cheese and toppings. And so that's how you make a pizza. That's the process. Lots of people also like to have mushrooms on their pizza. Mushrooms are really good. Here's another mushroom in the background. There's also, this is basil. Basil right here. This is all basil. Delicious, delicious basil. Yeah, it's basil. Yes, it's basil. And then this, what's falling, down, sort of this white, almost snow, is probably Parmesan cheese, a kind of cheese that you can put on top of the pizza to give it a nice, rich, cheesy flavor. Parmesan cheese. The only other ingredient I see is this one, red onion. Right, we see a little bit there, some there, right there. Red onion is onion that is actually a little bit more purple-y. Right, this is red. This is the color red. However, this onion, which is sort of more this color, right, sort of this color-ish, it's still called a red onion. Not purple onion, red onion. Not because it's correct, but because that's what we call it. And so if you see purple onions, they're actually called red onions. Which is weird, but you know, so is life. Life is weird. Life is weird. Oh, so is the word weird. All right, let's go to the next picture. Here we have a cute little bird, a little birdie. Tweet, tweet. It's a little bird. You can see he's got a little, he's a little hair or his little head and then his eye, his beak, his body here, his little feet. Here are his feet. You can even see a tail in the back and it looks like here's a wing and the other wing must be on the other side. But you might notice that this bird is not a real bird. It's actually made of oranges. The fruit, which is very delicious and fruity and full of juice, is an orange. Again, this is actually an orange food. So this is the color orange and this is an orange. It's not like red onions where it's actually purple. And so this bird is made of an orange. It's made of oranges. And I thought this image was interesting because it shows us a bit of an illusion or a kind of art, right? Is this a bird? No, this is not a bird, but it looks like a bird. It's clearly supposed to be a bird. And that is sort of what we call a bit of an illusion. Typically, an illusion is something that It looks really fake and then real sometimes. But this is a sort of style of illusion where you make something out of something else. And so this is an orange, and somebody cut some slices into it. They cut some slices here. They cut some slices into it. And they took some of the inside, the inside of the orange. They took off the peel. So this is the peel, the outside part here. They peeled it. They took off the peel. And they made these little eyes. They made the head. This even could be some shaving, some very small shaved parts of the orange on its head. If they put it on its head, it kind of looks like a little bit of hair. It looks a little bit like whatever it's wearing on its head. The feet look a little bit more real though. They look a lot more like bird feet. I don't think these are oranges. This is an orange. These are not oranges. And that's about it for this image. But I liked that it was something, a bird, made of something else, made of oranges or made of an orange. And so I think we'll leave it there. I think it's a cute bird, a little cute bird. And we'll move on to the next image. Here's a pretty cool image. I thought this is a cool shot. A shot is a picture, but it's referring to how the picture was taken. So this is a shot from up above. We're looking down onto the car with this dirt kind of billowing behind it, sort of The dirt is being flung into the air and kicked up into clouds of dust and dirt. We can see all that because we have the shot from above. We're looking down. This shot is head on. You can see me right here. We're looking directly at each other. That's this shot. And so this shot I think is really cool because it's high up, it's looking down. In the background you can see the mountains and you can even see some clouds which gives this shot more depth, right? Depth is when something can be close or far away. Because we have this car here but it's really small, right? there's all of this space, and the sky takes up about, what, one, two, three, about a quarter, right? The sky is one quarter, and then we have one half, right? This is another quarter, this is another quarter, and so then together, this is one half right one half and then this quarter down here is left for the actual thing the car right um we might call this the focal point the focal point is where you focus focus and so the exact point where you focus we call the focal point, right? Because that's where you focus. And so this image is interesting because its focal point is all the way down, right? It's really far down on the page. It's all the way down here in one little spot. And then when you look at the focal point, and then you start to look up, and you start to see everything else, the mountains, the clouds, you see these things after the main focus. And you just see how big everything is. The purpose of the image isn't to talk about how small a car is, right? Small. That's an L. Small, right? It's actually to talk about how big this is. This is big, right? And I thought that was cool. And so I chose it. The actual image is of a truck or a car, right? A truck and a car with this big sort of dust trail behind it, right? This is dust up in the air. It would be hard to see. It would hurt your, ah, it would get in your eyes, right? It's very dusty. And it looks like they're in some kind of desert, right? It's very dry. There's no water. And so we might call it a desert or somewhere very dry. When you drink water, you're sort of feeling hydrated or wet. But here is the opposite. There's no water. It's very wet, or very dry, rather. Sorry. And there's some cool clouds and mountains and stuff like that. But the main purpose that I wanted to share this picture was because of the interesting way that it was shot, right? The image, the focal point is really far down, and then you see the entire rest of the image. Anyways, let's move on to the next image, which I believe is image number four? Yeah, one, two, three, four. Image number four, which we're gonna chat about here. And this picture is of a bunch of different fruits. And I thought it was really vibrant. Vibrant is something that has a lot of color, right? There's a lot of different colors here. We see sort of kind of purplish pink, we see yellow, we see green, we see a mix of colors, we see orangish, we see like a red, and it's very bright, right? This image, oops, this image is not super vibrant. It's a lot more dull. It's got browns and darker browns and sort of grays and blues, right? There's not that much color. This image has a good amount of color. It's pretty vibrant. And this one is also quite vibrant. We see a bunch of stuff. Oh, there's also a sausage. I didn't see that before. Huh, there's this is a sausage as well. Anyways, this image is very vibrant. There's lots of colors, which is cool. And we can start over on this side here on the left. This is a sort of a pink color. If I had to grab one of these, it would be sort of in here, right? Kind of a pinkish, a pinkish, yeah, that matches pretty good, a pink color. And this looks like to be an apple, an apple that you eat. This is an apple. Then here we have a bit of a kind of a yellow, right? Let's grab this color here. Yeah, this is yellow. Yeah, that's pretty close. It's a little bit brighter. It's too bright. So if I go darker, we get a bit of a darker yellow. Let's try that. Oh, there we go. That's pretty good. That's a lot harder to see. It matches better. When something matches, it looks good together, right? You have one thing and another thing and they work together well, that's a match. So this color here is a better match than something like this weird blue. Oh, dang it, this blue here. Yeah, that's not a match, not a match. So we had this sort of a little bit of a darker yellow in here to use, yeah. And so this is a lemon right here. Let me change so you can see. This is a lemon up here. And this looks actually to be an apple as well, but cut up, right? So you have a whole apple and then you can cut pieces out of it to get a slice of an apple. So this here is just an apple slice. This, I don't know what this part is. Could be anything. This looks like flowers. I think it's some flowers. And this I also don't know. It just is something that is colorful. Here we get into some sort of greens and blues. This color here is very green. Right, let's grab, no, it's a little darker. No, right here maybe? Nope, that's way too, that's wrong. Down here. Also still too light. Maybe this one? Hmm, this is interesting. Let's see what I grab. I grab this color. There we go. This is a sort of more lime. How do I select it? Done? There we go. Yeah, okay, there we go. That's the lime color. And this is a lime, sorry, to clarify what this is. This is a lime. This is a lemon. They're different fruits and they taste different. I prefer lime. I like lime more. This is a check mark. Lime is good. Lemon is all right. It's fine. There's nothing wrong with lemon, but I like lime more. Check, check, check, right? So this is a lime, and then behind it is a blue background, a blue ice background. This is ice here. This stuff in here looks to be like ice. Oops, come on. An arrow, there, that's ice. And then we have some mint leaves as well. Mint is a flavor for like toothpaste, for example. Right, it can be very minty. sort of feels cold. It's kind of cold. It's almost the opposite of spicy. Spicy, it's really hot. But minty is sort of cold. Like, ooh, it hurts. It's kind of cold. That's minty. Or we often say minty fresh. We also have a kiwi, which is also green. Here's another apple, just like this, another apple, and a pear. This is called a pear. They're sort of like apples, but different, I guess, right? But yeah, I like kiwis a lot as well. They're really good. I love kiwis. And behind, this is a strawberry, and this looks like a raspberry. Strawberry, Raspberry. Slight difference. And they taste different too. Oh, here's another strawberry. That's another strawberry right up here. However, it's now in red because strawberries are red. And we're getting over into these other colors. This is a bit more orange and reddish, right? This is sort of a red up here. And then if I go down a little bit, let's see, let's find an orange that matches. No, that's too dark. Let's go a little lighter. Yeah, that's pretty good. That's an orange. This mango, that's what this is. This is a mango. It's a little bit lighter. It's a little bit more yellow. It's closer to sort of this color over here. But it's still kind of orangey, more or less. And so we have, here we have an orange, we have a mango, and actually this looks like to be pineapple in the background. Then, like I said, a strawberry. And then finally, we get into the real sort of red, pink colors. This is a grapefruit, grapefruit, and more strawberries up here in the top. These colors are very sort of vibrant and bright on this side. This reddish pinkish color, you can hardly see that I'm drawing, right, but I am. And it's very similar in the color. But anyways, yeah. So that's this picture with lots of color. And I thought it was a cool picture. Let's finish with this last one here, which is a sort of Japanese-style piece of artwork. And I thought it was a nice image of a fish. It's a very big-looking fish, right? This fish is big. And it looks to be swimming in some sort of water, in some sort of, maybe it's a pond. A pond is like a small area for fish and for plants. Typically they're in a garden or somebody's yard or something like that. We can even see some little trees over here on the side, some more plants. And the water is very crazy right now. There's lots of movement in the water. Here's these waves that are coming up as the fish is sort of jumping out of the water and looking out towards the moon. Here we see the moon up in the sky. It's got an interesting color to it. And it looks like there's other fish around, right? These other fish are also kind of being drawn, right? Being drawn, it's almost like they're being pulled out of the water and up into the sky, up towards the moon. And that gives this interesting feeling to the image, to the painting that I thought was interesting. We also see some statues. These are statues that you might put in a pond or in your garden because they look interesting and they're kind of cool, I guess. And so there's some statues on this side. There's a couple more plants. I don't know what this is. Not sure what that is. Could be anything, who knows. And the last thing that I noticed is that there are some gates here, sort of like the wall of some sort. But yeah, anyways, I think I'm going to leave it there. This episode has already got quite long. And so I thank you for coming to watch this episode of Image Talk. We talked about some pretty cool images today. We talked about a pizza. We talked about this little bird that is made of an orange. And we talked about this interesting photograph, this interesting shot from up in the sky. We talked about this beautiful, vibrant picture of fruit, and we learned some cool fruit names. And then we talked about this lovely picture of a fish jumping out towards the moon. But that's this episode of Image Talk. I hope that you enjoyed this video and learned some new things. Remember, all of the transcripts are on if you need. And I'll see you again in the next video. Bye-bye.

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