Ben's Language Lab

Image Talk #5

Image Talk

Episode 5


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Hi, my name is Ben. You're watching Image Talk. This video is meant for English beginners. Today, we'll be talking about five images. If you need, there are subtitles available, or the entire transcript is on For now, all you need to do is watch, listen, and enjoy. Let's start with this image right here. This looks like a picture of a little nook. A nook is somewhere that you can be or you can sit that isn't like in the middle of the room, right? This is off on the side. This is in a window. Here we see a window and you can sit here or lay here, right? If you're sitting or if you're kind of laying down you can read a book. There are plenty of books here and books here that you can read. So you could sit here and read a book. This is a person reading a book and maybe that's you. You, that's you, reading a book in the nook. A book nook, if you will. This picture looks like a very almost futuristic room. It looks not modern. Modern is today or yesterday, tomorrow. But the future is far in the future, right? As I'm recording this video right now, it's 2024. But this looks like it might be in 2031. Who knows? It looks futuristic. Because there are lots of circles here, there's this interesting pattern on the window, there's these lights, right? There's all this light around. There's a mirror on the ceiling. A mirror is when you see a reflection of something, right? So if you turn one thing, the other thing also goes with it. That's a mirror. You can see yourself like in a phone screen. That's a mirror. Can you see the camera at all? That's like a mirror. And so we see a mirror on the ceiling and it looks sort of futuristic. It could be real. There's nothing that's fake about it or too futuristic, but that's how it feels to me. It feels like it's in the future, in 2031. We also see that there's some really interesting colors. Orange isn't a super common color for this kind of thing. Orange and white also feels futuristic, right? This is this interesting orange color. Oops, I want this color, please. Yeah, that's done. I wanna draw with it. There we go. And so we have this interesting orange color, which is in these lights here, but then also here in the couch. And really that's it. Also, I guess in this light down at the bottom. Anyways, I think that's enough about this image of this interesting book nook, this place to read. So let's look at image number two. Here we have an interesting poster that you might put on a wall, right? You might put a poster on your wall right here, right? To hang up on the wall. You could go here and you could put the poster right here and hang it up. It wouldn't look very good there, it'd be kind of weird. But here, this is what it looks like. I might have it on a wall or something like that. This is a poster of a car, an old, maybe 1970s car, right? So from the past, right? From the 1970s, sort of is what it kind of looks like, right? Maybe a little bit later, maybe 19, like late 70s. So like 79 or something like that, or rather 79 like that. And this looks sort of like a schematic. A schematic is when you get to see all of the individual parts, right? So we see here that there's all these little parts that go to the car, right? This, for example, is the handle, the handle that you grab onto to open the door, to open the door. And so we see the individual pieces and parts that make up the car, that create the entire car. And these are common posters or schematics that people that like cars will put in their room or their workshop or something like that because it looks cool, right? This is a cool picture. It just looks neat. right? We get to see something broken apart into its individual pieces. Piece A, right? We have so many pieces right here. There's what, 10? Another 20? There's so many different pieces that make a car. And we can see the car in different cross sections. A cross section is when you get to see something with part of it missing, right? So this part here is missing the hood, right? The hood of the car would be right here. but it's not, and so we're sort of seeing inside. And here we have the door cut off, right? There's no door, there's no wheels, and so we're sort of seeing a cross section of the car. A true cross section is usually when you, with like a sphere, and you cut through it, or something like that, because you're seeing through it, and you get to see what it looks like on the inside, a cross section. And so here we see a bunch of different versions of the car, a bunch of different pieces. We can see how the wheels might be connected. Right here are the different wheels. Here we see the grill or the radiator that might be up front. That's right inside here. And we can also see a bunch of different parts. Here's the lights, right? The lights of the car, the headlights. Here we see the actual engine, right? That's the engine that goes inside the car. And we can see, what else can we see? We can see, this is not a, this is an AI generated image. So we see things that are really weird like this, like what? That doesn't, that's not real. But it's pretty good, right? It looks pretty good I don't I don't really know cars very well. I don't really know what this stuff is called And so I think we're gonna go on to the next image now Because we've already talked enough about cars and I don't have any more words to share. So let's go to this next image, which is another cool image. This one is a bird's eye view of some people rowing a boat. A bird's eye view is what a bird sees, right? So I can't draw very well, but if we have a bird here, here's his beak and his wings. Oh God, there's my bird, right? So a bird, right? All these birds that are flying. tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet, call, call, and they're looking down on something, that's a bird's eye view. So they're seeing from high up, they're looking down on these people. So we call this a bird's eye view. And so we see that there are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 people in a boat rowing. And they are part of a crew is what it's called. Crew is a sport where you row as a team. I think you can do individual, like one person is rowing on their own. But you typically row as a team. and you go as fast as you can, you go as far as you can, there's different kinds of crew. And so there are these people and they're in the boat and they are rowing. So to row a boat is when you take the oar, these are called oars, right, that's an oar, and they're going to row the boat. They pull back, they push it forward and they, no, I think they, Yeah, you pull, and then you push, you pull, you push, and you go forward, right? You can also go the other direction, depending on what kind of crew it is. And they often go quite fast, because it's seven people rowing a boat at the same time. You're going one, two, let's go, let's go, pretty quickly. And so we see they're also in very clear water. It's the water around them, right, all this water, is pretty clear we can see through it right we can see this there's this rock we can see the rocks at the bottom of the river or the lake or wherever they are A river, by the way, is something, water that goes like this from one place to another place, but a lake is more like this, right? There's no real way for water to come in and then come out. It's this big body of water, this big pond, a big piece of water is a lake, and then a river is the individual water that goes somewhere specific. And so we don't really know where they are, but just because of how clear the water is, I would guess that they're in a, no, a lake, no, yeah, a lake. I would guess that they're inside of, they're on a lake, not in a lake, on a lake, they're on a lake. Anyways, I just thought this was a cool picture and so I wanted to talk about it. But I think we'll go on to image number, this one, number four, I think, and we'll keep going here. So this is one sport, crew, and this is another sport, soccer. And I wanted to talk a little bit about soccer because it's sort of interesting. First, the word soccer is not common in the world. Most countries call it football, including other English speaking countries will call it football. So for example, if you go to Australia or to the United Kingdom or to Britain, right, they're going to call it football. However, in the United States, we call it soccer. It actually is an old name from Britain, which stood for association football, I think. And we took sort of this part and called it soccer. And that's where that name comes from. So it is just a different way of calling it football back when the sport was very, was sort of newer to the English speaking world. And this is a soccer player. He's wearing a jersey, a yellow jersey, and black shorts. He's kicking the soccer ball or the ball, or it looks like he's going to kick the ball, rather. The ball is just sitting there right now, it's still, and he's going to, bam, kick the ball in just a second. He's in the position to, toosh, kick the ball hard. We see that he's wearing what are called cleats. He's wearing cleats on his feet. Cleats are shoes that have spikes in them, right? So if you have your normal shoes here, that's your foot, that's your foot there. If you have normal shoes and you put spikes in them, those are called cleats. Another name you might hear is spikes, just they're called spikes, but that's typically for baseball. Baseball is a sport where you hit a ball like that or you catch it and throw it. That's baseball. And you might have spikes in baseball or cleats in soccer. But it's the same general idea. So he's wearing cleats and he's wearing high socks, right? So his socks are on this part right here, but they're pretty tall, right? Most socks only go to like here-ish, right? He might only have socks to there, but these socks are really high up. They're tall socks. They're high socks. And high socks are used to cover your shin guard. Your shin is right here. This is your shin on your leg, right? It's sort of, this is my arm, but if this was my leg, it would be right here. This is your shin. Well, that's your, this is my arm, but this is your shin down here. And if you get hit in the shin, it, oh, it really hurts. It's very painful. It really, really hurts and so soccer players wear a guard. They put something over their shin to cover it and make it not hurt if you get hit. So there's something inside of his sock, inside of his sock, covering his shin so that he doesn't get hit and really hurt. um this style is also a very stylistic it's the same word a couple times but you see that he is drawn right he's sort of painted with these lines, right? There's these splashes and these lines making this image feel more alive. He feels very raw, he's very alive and stuff is happening. And I thought that was another really cool part of this picture, which is why I chose it. Anyways, let's go on to the fifth and final image for today, which is a cool crocodile. or maybe an alligator. I don't really know the difference, but those are two words for similar creatures. A crocodile or an alligator. A gator, also known as a gator, just in general. A gator, gator, gator, right, like that. And so this, I'm going to call him a gator. Why not? This gator is wearing a jacket, sort of a reflective jacket. It's kind of pinkish, right? That's this color, kind of pink with maybe some blue. And he's wearing a jacket, and he's got a hat. It's actually a Nike hat, which is funny. Nike. Oop, that's a K. N-I-K-E. Nike is a very famous clothes brand, which I'm sure you've heard of. And he's wearing a Nike hat. A nice cap, if you want to be specific. Caps typically have this part, which is a brim, right? A brim comes out from your forehead to cover your eyes from sun or something like that. And so he's wearing a cap with a brim. These are also called baseball caps because that's where they're often worn, but you don't have to wear them to play baseball. That's just a common name for them. Baseball cap. He's also got some glasses on, some sunglasses, and they're reflective, right? We see that we can't see his eyes, right? You can't see his eyes. You can see my eyes. I'm not wearing sunglasses, but reflective glasses mean that instead of seeing my eyes, you would see my computer. You would see this, which is their reflective, because the light comes and bounces off rather than going through. And so his glasses are reflective sunglasses. And we also see that he sort of looks a little chill. He's like, yeah, I'm cool, right? Because he's a gator, a gator. Um, there's not a whole lot else going on here, but I did want to share a fun, um, I guess a phrase or a saying that we have in the U S you might hear someone say, see you later alligator. Um, because see you later is a common way to say goodbye. And then adding alligator is like calling them an alligator, right? See you later alligator. And then, and then the response to that is after while. Crocodile, I can't spell. W-H-I-L-E and after with a T. After a while, crocodile. And so if someone says goodbye to you, and you might wanna say, see you later, alligator, and then they might respond to you with, after a while, crocodile. So, that's the last thing that I wanted to share today. And so, to recap this, we said, We talked about, rather, this interesting room where you might sit and read, the sort of book nook, as we called it. We talked about this interesting poster of a car, of sort of an old car. We also talked about these people in a boat, they were, they're doing crew, they're rowing with oars. We also looked at this image of a soccer player and he's kicking a ball with his interesting style. And then finally, we looked at this cool gator who's got his jacket and sunglasses on. But this is the end of this episode of Image Talk. I hope that you enjoyed this video and maybe learned a couple of new words. Remember, all the transcripts are on if you need. And I'll see you again in the next video, so make sure you're subscribed. After a while, crocodile!

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