Ben's Language Lab

Image Talk #11

Image Talk

Episode 11


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Hi, my name is Ben. You're watching Image Talk. This video is meant for beginner level English learners. Today, I'll be talking about five images. If you need, there are subtitles available below, or the entire transcript is on All you need to do is watch, listen, and enjoy. Let's start with this image. This is an interesting image. It's got a lot of lovely colors. There are sort of blues. There's some blue colors. There's purples. There's some purples sort of down here and over here. There's some lighter blues, right? So this color kind of thing. Down in here on her face and in the water down here. And there's also blacks, some darker, deeper black colors. You can't even see that it's dark. It's a picture of a giant woman's face, more of a girl, really. She looks quite young. Her face is in the sky. It's a very large face taking up a lot of space. We also see that she has various things on her face. She has these almost like waves or clouds, these sort of interesting images here. I'm not really sure what they are. They look sort of like clouds is what I would say. Sort of like these up here, but different colored. This is a cloud. This is all a cloud. She's also wearing a hat. She has a big hat on. And the hat has stars, it looks like. Tons and tons of stars in it. We also see there's an interesting little skull up here. I don't know if you can see that. There's a skull. It's got its two eyes and a nose. There's some creature over here. There's all sorts of things happening on this girl's face. There's also, she also has pointed ears. So I have normal human ears that are rounded, so my ears sort of go like this, they're rounded, but her ears are pointed, like this, they have a point. And so she might be some kind of fantastical creature. Not on her face, so down in here we see what looks to be a river. There's this river here, there's water, this looks to be like water in here. And there's something on a boat. There's this little boat here. And it's got a person or a thing on it that has some kind of stick that it's using to move the boat. It's moving with that stick. We also see there's two sides on the river, two banks, if you will. There's two banks, and there's a tree here, and there's another couple trees down over on this side, and it looks to be a bit of a magical landscape, a magical world. Perhaps it's the underworld of some kind. We also see up here there's a planet. So that could be maybe Earth or something like that, far, far away from where we are here. But yeah, that's the first image. Very interesting. It's sort of striking. Striking is a good word. It means you go, wow, that's interesting, is sort of what striking is. Let's go on to the next image. Very different, much simpler, you might say. This looks to be of a barn or a shed. So here, this structure here, you might call a barn or a shed. A shed is like a little house like this that you might put tools inside. So inside, you might put something like a hammer. Let's see if I can draw a hammer. A hammer or a wrench, all sorts of tools you might put inside of a shed. A barn is similar, but they're usually bigger. So this maybe is not a barn. I think it's probably more of a shed. But a barn is much bigger and usually has animals. Pigs, sheep, animals inside of a barn. But I think this is a shed. a shed. Around this shed we see various decorations. There's some lanterns that are hanging and a few others on the ground. We see a wreath. This is a good word, a wreath. This wreath is made of straw or hay, which is over here. Wheat is this. This is all the straw and the wheat is up here, this part, the sort of feathery bit. This grain up here is very feathery. We see more on this side, and there is some in this crate as well. A crate is like a box, right? A box is like this. There's your box. B-O-X. And a crate is similar, but it's usually made of wood. And so a crate and a box are very similar, but boxes are usually of cardboard, while a crate is made of wood, usually. I don't have a crate or a box here. We also have some wagon wheels. So here's a wagon wheel. Here's another wagon wheel. You could just call it a wheel But when we think of wheel we think of a car, right? That's not a car Let's see, can I draw a car? There we go. There's your car honk honk Let's see, you need a door I guess There's a door there and a windshield, okay? And then you have your wheels on your car. So these are the more common word that we use when we think of wheels. So we think of a car's wheel. But these are not car wheels. They are very different. They're made of wood. They have these spokes in them. That's a good word too. A spoke is this part. One, two, there's a bunch of spokes on this wheel. And then this is, so this is called a wagon wheel. We also have here what looks to be a bale of hay. Bales are sort of bunches or groups of hay that are one piece. They're sort of like a cube of hay. We call it a bale. Something you might have noticed is that this backdrop, the back part here, looks fake, right? It looks like there is something here to hold it up. And that's because this is supposed to be a picture of a backdrop, a background, which we would use to take pictures. So this is my actual room. This is a real thing. But if I had like a screen here, that had pictures on it or looked like this, that would be a background. Because somebody comes in here, they stand here, they smile, right? And then somebody else takes a picture of them. So the person standing here takes a picture like this, and they go. because this is not real. It's not a real place. It is made for pictures. So it's called a backdrop or a background of some kind. And that's why this part back here looks sort of fake is because it's not real. It's just like paper or something like that on the wall. So that's why this looks a little bit interesting. Anyways, let's go on to the next image. So this is a really cool picture or a stylized image of the Taj Mahal, is what we call it, the Taj Mahal, which is not an English word. So this is how we pronounce it, Taj Mahal. And it looks to be in a world made of paper, right? So this is paper. And you can cut paper to create shapes out of it. And then you can layer them. So here's one layer, another layer, another layer, right? You get your different layers of paper. And if you put them in a row, you can make them look like something. And so this looks like it is made by somebody cutting out paper. It's not a real image. It was made by artificial intelligence. So it's not, it's fake. It's not a person didn't do this, but it looks like it could be. And if you wanted something to look like this, you would do cutouts with paper like that. And that's why these trees look sort of flat, right? They're not three dimensional, like a sphere, a full tree would be kind of round and you could look around it, but these trees look flat, right? So here's like one part, another part, and there's that, and then they're flat trees. We also see this kind of river, this fake river going up to the Taj Mahal with some plants on the side. These look sort of like bushes. And we can see that they have shadows here. So they have shadows, which means that there's a light over here. So this light is shining down here. But we also sort of see shadows here. So we can see that the light is coming from this direction. And it looks like there should be something here as well, but it's hard to see. On the Taj Mahal itself, we can see the entrance here. There's sort of an entrance doorway. There's this big ornate sort of facade at the front. Then we have a bunch of towers. There's four main towers. One, two, three, four. Those are the main towers. And then we have some sort of smaller domes here. This is a dome. A dome is this three-dimensional thing that goes on top. And this is like the daddy dome, the big dome. And so all of these make up the beautiful Taj Mahal in this interesting stylized paper cutout picture. The next image that we have here is another pretty interesting one, and it's of a front door, right? This is somebody's door, and it goes into their house. Although, again, it's a fake picture, but I'm pretending it's real. And so here are the stairs. So the steps go up, one, two, three, four, and then you can go inside this door, inside their house. And this is meant to be in the style of parts of Mexico. You can see that the roof has that sort of tile look to it. So these are tiles. These little pieces here are each called tiles. And if you have a roof made of them, we call that a tile roof. There's also some plants that look sort of Mexican. There's this beautiful plant on the roof and on the side here that's growing and flowering. There's these beautiful red, sort of orange, pinkish flowers. Let's see, what color is that? If I grab a color here and I look, yeah, it's this sort of like rose, peach color. And it looks really nice in this picture. I'll keep using red. And then it also looks really great against their blue building. So this house is totally blue. We have blue stairs, we have the blue walls, and then it's accented, which means it has this additional color here in yellow. And blue and yellow go really well together, they fit. An accent color is a small color to make something look nicer, to pop. When you look at it, you go, wow, that's really cool. It has that nice color. And so this yellow around the doorway is an accent color and it looks really cool. We also see that the sky is very blue and there's one cloud. Here's one big cloud. And so it looks like a very, very beautiful day. We can also see the ocean out here. This is the ocean, which means that you're on the coast. The coast is, so here is land, here is Mexico. Let's see, can I draw Mexico? So here's Baja California, and then here's, no, that's the wrong way. And then here's Mexico, that's the Yucatan Peninsula, and it goes out like this. So there's Mexico. Oh God, it's ugly. So this is Baja California. Oh God, it's fine. And then here's the border. And so this is the edge of the country. So this is all Mexico in here, all Mexico, Mexico, Mexico, Mexico. And so this part, this side is called the coast. So it's this, this is as well, all of that's against the ocean, which is this part outside of Mexico, the water, that's all the coast. And so this could be maybe down here on Mexico or up here. It's not clear where it is, but this is the ocean, which means that there's no land for many, many, many miles. So here's the horizon line, here's the ocean behind the plants. That's all pretty much for this image. So I think we'll move on to the final image for today. Yeah, the final image, which is this very interesting number three. As I was looking through the pictures, this one caught my eye. It looked interesting to me. I was going through the pictures and I go, oh, that's kind of cool. It's this big number three, right? So, I mean, it's a three, but the fact it's a huge like light, because light is coming out of it, right? Everything else around it is blue because of this through number three. So it looks like a giant lit up number three. It's also inside of what looks to be a house, right? Here we see there's two different floors. So there's actually three levels to the house. Here's one level. So level one, two, and three. And on each level, we see different things. So down here, it looks to be a bed, right? This looks like there's pillows and a comforter to sleep on. And then going up, there's a little ladder here, which looks like you can come up here. And then we see some chairs. There's some chairs like my chair that you can sit in. There's a couch. So here's an interesting couch. There's some cushions on the couch. Over here, I'm not really sure, but it looks like there's more chairs and perhaps more going this direction off the side. There's also, maybe this is another ladder or something, and there's a stool up here. A stool, by the way, has something like this where there's a couple of legs and it's got this circular part. But a chair is what you might sit in at a table. Let's see, can I draw a chair? I'm not very good at drawing. There we go. There's a chair. Chair has a back and more legs than a stool. A stool is more of a smaller temporary seat than a chair. We also see that there's probably some windows here maybe, I'm not sure. And it looks to be like some shelves inside this weird number three house. There's also sort of this fog effect. Fog is when something is sort of hard to see. There's this almost like mist in the way, it's sort of hard to see. Let's see, was there fog in this picture? Not really, there's really no fog. Fog would be coming up off of here, making it harder to see. That's this interesting number three. I thought it was a very unique image and I thought it might be fun to talk about. But those are the five images that we're gonna talk about today. We started with this very interesting image of a giant girl with pointed ears over a river with somebody going through it on a boat. And then we looked at this backdrop for a picture with a shed and some wagon wheels and some hay. And then we moved on to talk about this fun picture of the Taj Mahal with some interesting clouds and backgrounds, probably made of some kind of paper. Then we talked about this beautiful house that looks like it might be in Mexico with a yellow accent color door. And then we talked about this kind of fun number three, but That's the end of this episode of Image Talk. I hope that you enjoyed the video and maybe learned a couple of new words. Remember, the transcripts for all episodes are on if you want to study more. But I'll see you in the next video. Bye-bye. Oh no, it's still going. Bye.

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