Ben's Language Lab

Tintin in: Red Rackham's Treasure #2

Tintin in: Red Rackham's Treasure

Episode 2


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Hi, my name is Ben. Welcome to Ben's Language Lab. As we know, stories with pictures like this are great for language learning. And so we're going to be reading a comic book together. This video is meant for English beginners, more or less. And if you need, there are subtitles available, or you can see the entire transcript on Make sure you subscribe for more videos like this one. But for now, your job is to watch, listen, and enjoy. We're going to continue reading Tintin and Red Rackham's Treasure. This is the second episode in the second series. And if you want to start from the beginning, click the link in the description. Last time we had just met to this man who's a little deaf. He's hard of hearing. And he wanted to talk to Tintin, and we wonder why. So Tintin comes up to him and says, I'm Tintin. What do you want? Ah, Mr. Tintin, they told me you were away, he says, because that's what he thought he heard. I'm delighted to meet you. My name is Calculus, Cuthbert Calculus. Oh, says Tintin. He's introducing himself. That's who he is. Calculus normally is like complicated math. Oh, my thingy just shut down. You can't see my drawing anymore. What the heck is going on? Things are happening right now. Let me see if I can fix this live on stage. Are we here now? Testing, testing. One, two. Oh no, things have gone wrong. Can you see my drawing? Yes. Okay, we're good. Hopefully that doesn't happen again. Sorry. Anyways, calculus is complicated math, basically. And so it's got something to do with math. And then the man says, no, calculus, Cuthbert calculus, because he's deaf. He hears Tintin say, oh, right? Mr. Tintin, I understand that you are setting off in search for a treasure. That's nice, but have you considered the sharks? The sharks? Doo-doo, doo-doo, right, sharks in the water with their tail, their big fish, their fin, there's their fin, they have lots of teeth, right? big sharks in the water and so they go sharks yeah that's where we are and then no young man i'm talking about the sharks i expect you do intend to do some diving in which case beware of sharks he says but don't you agree but i've invented a machine for underwater exploration and it's shark proof If you'll come with me to my house, I'll show it to you, he says. So this man is very worried about sharks. And he knows that Tintin is going to dive underwater. That's when you go deep underwater, right? You can't just hold your breath. You have a helmet and you have air on your back and you go down under the water. And so he has a machine, like a contraption, a boat that is shark-proof. Sharks can't get in. Something that's proof means you can't get into it. So if you have something that's baby proof, a baby can't get inside. So when you have a toddler in the house, you have to baby proof the doors, the cabinets, the stairs, things like that, so the babies don't kill themselves. And so he invites Tintin back to his house to show him his shark-proof thing. Tintin says, I'm very sorry, but no, it's not far, less than 10 minutes. He's not hearing anything Tintin's saying. No, it's not far is not what Tintin asked. And so Tintin says, I'm afraid I'm very busy and I, and the man says, why, of course, certainly these gentlemen may come too. And then Tintin gets upset now. He says, it's no good. There's no time, no time. And so then the man says, good, that's settled. We'll go at once. And so Tintin goes, what, are you crazy? He's not listening to me. But because Tintin's very nice, they all go along with Calculus and he says, I'm so glad you agreed to come. I'm so glad you agreed to come, he says. And they're all upset, right? You see Tintin's face, he's... And Haddock is also angry, and the two Thompsons in the back. And then Tindin says, no, please don't mention it, because he's upset. And that's like, don't mention it is a way you can say, oh, don't mention it. It's fine, right? But in this case, it's don't mention it. And then he says, no, calculus, Cuthbert calculus. He's very upset that he doesn't hear anything that he's saying. You see, here we are, one more floor, he says. It's in here. And they walk into his laboratory. This is a lab. A lab is a place where you do experiments and you build things and you make stuff. Here he's got something for what looks to be distilling, where stuff goes inside and it comes out. There's big machines, levers, there's pipes on the wall, there's lamps, there's a desk with scrolls and writing utensils and all sorts of stuff and things. And that's a lab, much like I have Ben's Language Lab, or laboratory is the long version of the word. It's in here. yes that's the new device for putting bubbles in soda water he says and that's what he's pointing at this piece here which is uh what we'd call now is carbonation um so when you have co2 and you put it into water right that's carbon and then it goes into water it becomes bubbly it might be kind of it sort of Is spicy almost it touches your tongue and it makes your tongue feel like it's moving almost And so this is a machine for putting bubbles in soda water. He says which is Soda water is sparkling water And that's a machine for brush and that's a clothes brushing machine. He says Which is I don't even know what clothes brushing is, but he's got a machine for it and Haddock says not a bad gadget, eh? And we have the big, there's brushes on here, and there's a motor, and there's a belt, a belt on here, all sorts of stuff to make a contraption, a machine. But let's see. No, a clothes brushing machine. It's one of my latest inventions, he says. And then we hear, ouch, oh! Oh, and then Tintin turns around and starts to go back, but the man is saying, the clothes are sucked into the middle of the machine where they have a stiff brushing for half a minute. Then they come out good as new. So it must be a way to like just brush off clothes. But then we see poor Haddock has been sucked inside. And then he gets spit out the other side. And all of his clothes are torn into shreds. And billions of barb- bullious blue blistering barticles, he says. He's very upset. Yelling at the man. He's very upset. Because he was sucked into the machine. And then we see Thompson and Thompson are laughing at him. And he says, let me go. I'll tell you what I'll- I'll tell you what I- I can't read. I'll tell him what I think of his practical joke. He says, and so a practical joke is a physical thing you do to somebody to make a joke, right? When you tell a joke, right? Something like knock, knock, who's there? Owl, owl who? Who? No, that's not how it goes. Whatever. I can't believe I just did that. Whatever. A practical joke is a real life thing. So setting a trap for somebody or whatever. And so he's calling it a practical joke and he's going to go tell him something. You're going to buy me a new outfit, do you hear? Says that? Yes, it's for brushing clothes, does the man. But this is even more ingenious because I have so little room and my bed gets in the way. He's just talking and talking because he can't hear anything. He's completely deaf. Their words just mean nothing. And he says, but he has a good invention because he has little space. And so if he pulls down the lever, his bed comes out the wall. I designed the wall bed. This should have a W here. Oops. Come on now. Let's see, there we go. Wall bed. It's a W. I designed the wall bed, he says, and opens the bed, and it goes, and smashes the Thompsons right on the top of the head. You bashy bazooka, look what you've done now, says Headache, yelling at him, because he's smashing everybody, he's hurting everybody who's come to his place. Nowadays, we'd call this a Murphy bed. Murphy bed. Is, is, oop, oop, oh jeez. Murphy. I can't write. Murphy bed. There we go, that's Ben. I'm sorry. I'm having a day today, I guess. I can't write, I can't read, I'm saying ridiculous things, but anyways. You bragging nitwit, you look. A nitwick is a stupid person, a dummy, right? You bragging dummy, you look. And bragging is somebody who is talking about themselves a lot, right? I'm so amazing. I have all of these amazing inventions. And then of course he doesn't hear him and he thinks he says, how do you close it? How do I close it again? There. And he presses the lever. And the bed closes with the Thompsons inside. So Haddock goes, no! And he pulls the lever back again. Between ourselves, I wouldn't have expected such childish pranks from them. They looked quite sensible, is what he says. And so he's saying that it's their fault. Saying they're doing the pranks, which are childish, right? They're of the things that children would do. And a prank is again, sort of like a practical joke or a game or something like that. And then the man continues and goes, and here's my apparatus for exploring the seabed. As you can see for yourselves, it's kind of a small submarine. It's powered by an electric motor and it has oxygen supplies for two hours diving, he says. And we see the machine. It looks like a shark. That is a shark. It is a, let's see, it is a submarine powered by an electric motor. Submarine, yeah. Submarine is one of those, this that goes under the water, right? Sub, if we break it down, is actually like below. So if you have a sub, Something, it means below something else, right? A subtitle, there we go. You have your title at the top, title, and then your subtitle, right? Below the title. It's also where the subtitles on a video come from, right? They're at the bottom, they're called subtitles. And then marine is like for the water or the ocean in English. And so it's below the ocean surface in this case, which is a machine that goes underwater for exploring the sea bed, the bed of the sea, the bottom of the sea. And it has an electric motor. And it works on electricity, so light, not gas. And it has enough oxygen oxygen, which is O2, oxygen for breathing, for two hours. So in it, you can breathe for two hours and go underwater. Now I'll show you how the apparatus works. I don't know if I've explained the word apparatus, but that's basically the same as machine or thing. In this case, you can say machine or thing works. Now I'll show you how the thing works. He climbs up the ladder here and is getting inside the cockpit. Here's the cockpit. And he gets in it and crack. and it crashes right down. I can't understand it. It's sabotage. No, sir, I said it's sabotage. Someone has sabotaged my machine, is what he's saying. It's not his fault. Somebody else broke his shark, is what he's saying. Sabotage means that somebody else came in and, heh, heh, heh, and broke it and then left, right? So it didn't look broken, but it was broken. That's sabotage. And then we get back into Tintin is talking. We are extremely sorry professor calculus extremely sorry, but your machine But your machine will not do he says it's not gonna work because it's broken And then he says, for two, you'd like a two-seater, two-seater, is what he's saying. Tenshin's trying to say, no thank you, we don't want your machine, it's okay. And he's just happy as can be saying, yeah, you want another one? I'll make you one. Ridiculous. And then Tinted says, no, Professor Calculus, I said your machine won't do for us. Oh, good, he says. Well, gentlemen, that's agreed. I'll make another smaller one. It'll be ready in eight days time, he says. In eight days. And so they all leave looking dejected. He's not understanding. He's not listening. He can't hear. Anyways, some days later, and Haddock says, well, we're all ready to start at least, if we can find a diving suit. I spent three days hunting through marine stores and I still haven't unearthed one. Purr. And so he's saying they're all ready, everything's ready to go, except they need a diving suit. They need something to put on to go underwater. And he's gone for three days in marine stores, right? Submarine, right? Ocean stores, boat stores, marine stores, and hasn't found a single one. There's no diving suits available. But then we see right here, it says, for sale, complete diving equipment as new. And then Tindin says, I say, look there, a great snakes. Let's go and see. And so they go into this store, which apparently has a complete diving suit for sale. And so they walk into this store, and they see all of these crazy marine things, a boat, what looks to be a swordfish, a mermaid, all sorts of stuff on the walls. And then Haddock says, we'd like to see the diving equipment, please. The diving suit? Please follow me, says the old man. Here's the old man, and Haddock is talking to him. He wants to see the stuff, right? He wants to buy it. there he points to it beware young fellow beware money is the root of all evil is what the old man says to him as he's looking at the diving helmet right that's the way you go goes on your head so it's a helmet and haddock says why why do you say that because he's talking about money being the root of all evil what Why? Because I see that you intend to go treasure hunting, says the man. Treasure hunting! And he's afraid that they're going to have problems, right, because money is the root of evil. Like badness. And then he says, you can see that? Where, where can you see it? I read it on your face, is what he says. He's reading his face, right? When you have something on your face that you can, somebody can tell, right? You're surprised, or you're scared. You can read it on your face like a book. And then he says, my face, but what's unusual about my face? Tendon, can you see anything? And well, I, blistering barnacles, he says, as he looks in the mirror. What happened? What's wrong Haddock? It's horrible. What's happened to me? He says, as he's looking into one of those mirrors that's like curved. And then he goes, nothing captain. It's just that you were looking into a concave mirror. Here's a convex one. Oh, thank goodness. Oh, thank goodness. He says. So concave is something that sort of curves inwards, right? Concave and then convex is something that goes outwards. Those are not words you need to know, but just know that this is the concave one and this is the convex one. And he goes, oh, thank goodness. And then he says, but there's another mirror. I'll just reassure myself. And then he goes to grab the mirror and it falls, which is bad luck. And he says, seven years bad luck and two pounds for the mirror. That's money. So he's what he's saying you owe me for that mirror. You broke it. It's you have to pay for it now because there's a superstition that if you break a mirror you're gonna have seven years of bad luck and Then the man says you can take it from me. I'm telling you the truth. There's no such thing as buried treasure nowadays and And he's warning them against going. And then he's saying, don't go. Money is the root of all evil, yada, yada, yada. And then Tintin says, nevermind that. How much is the diving suit? 10 pounds, says the man. So it's only, it's five times more expensive than a mirror, right? This one was two pounds and this one is 10 pounds. And that's only a little bit more expensive. And he says, all right, we'll have it collected this afternoon. Shall we go, Captain? And that means, so collected is somebody's gonna come by and get it for them. They're not gonna like drag it out right now, they're gonna come back with a car or something like that. And then they're gonna leave, yeah. So we're actually going to leave it there for today and we're gonna have to figure out what happens next time in the next day, right here it is, next day in the next episode. So make sure you subscribe to find or to be, Make sure you subscribe if you want to watch the next episode and comment down below with how it went. What did you learn today? Remember, transcripts for all episodes are on I'll see you next time. Bye.

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