Ben's Language Lab

Tintin in: The Black Island #16

Tintin in: The Black Island

Episode 16


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Hi, my name is Ben. Welcome to Ben's Language Lab. Stories are one of the best methods to improve at a language, and stories with pictures are even better. And so today, we're going to read a comic together. This video is meant for beginner-level English learners, and if you need, there are subtitles available, or you can see the entire transcript on Make sure you subscribe for more videos like this one. For now, your job is to watch, listen, and enjoy. Currently, we're about to finish reading Tintin and the Black Island. We're almost done. This is the last episode. If you want to see the first episode and watch from the beginning, click the link below. All right, let's start learning. If you remember back to the last episode, Tintin had some people coming to help him, to rescue him, the police. However, he was being attacked by Ranko, the gorilla, was after him because these thugs didn't want to fall down the stairs again. And so, Ranko has just come up the stairs and says, rawr, and Tintin goes, oh no, what am I going to do? However, we know that Snowy scares Ranko. Ranko is afraid of Snowy. And so Snowy goes, he starts barking at him like a crazy dog. And then they're listening up the stairs and they hear, Ranko won't be long. And they hear the noise, but then, The gorilla comes flying down the stairs and lands right on the thugs. One, two, three, four, five. And then we go to the boat, we cut to the boat. We're now looking at the boat with the police on it and they're saying, ready, steady, and then wait for me, go. And of course, he falls right into the water. Ready, steady, go is like saying one, two, three, or getting ready to go, because it's ready, steady, go! And you jump. However, he fell right into the water. Of course. If you've done as I said, now he's saying that it's his fault, right? Just listen to me. And then this guy says, mind the bump, because he's going to bump into the rock. A bump is when you go, you hit something and there's a bump, right? And so he goes, mind the bump, everybody. Be careful, I'm going to bump into the rock. However, of course, the other one doesn't know that and falls right into the water with his partner. To mind something in this case is to be aware of or to watch out for. And so now they're both collecting their hats, they're grabbing their hats out of the water as the real police officers start to climb the rock and they enter the building and say, drop your guns. And to drop your guns, right, put your hands in the air. And then we see Thompson and Thompson walking up the rocks, all soaking wet. They have water coming off of them. Drops of water are falling off of them because they are soaking wet. And then they yell up the stairs to Tintin and say, Tintin, you can come out now. It's all right. It's us, the police. It's OK. Because now we see the crooks are in handcuffs. can't get out and the police are marching them away. And then Snowy says, or Tintin says, come on Snowy, our troubles are over. Down we go. And then of course he trips on the rock and falls all the way down onto Thompson and Thompson. Just like Ranko and just like the gang. And so then he says, oh, I'm so sorry. I tripped over a stone. Because that's what he did. He tripped over a stone. Tripping is when you're walking and you fall down on something. You trip over a stone. Or he tripped over a stone. And then they both say, oh, really? And then he starts to ask them what's happening. What happened? Did they put up much of a fight? Did they fight back or did they shoot back at the police? And they say, no, no. To quote Christopher Columbus, Captain Cook, well, someone about that time, we came, we saw, we conquered. Of course, they are idiots. This is a quote not from Christopher Columbus or Captain Hook, and they didn't live at the same time. That's not true. And this is a quote from some Roman, is it Caesar? I don't actually know exactly who said it, but it's a phrase saying that we came, we saw what we had to do, and we just did it, we conquered. Veni, Vidi, Vici, I believe is what it is in Latin. Anyways, splendid. Before we go, great job. Before we go, I want to have one last look around. Why don't you come with me? Tintin wants to go look around one more time to see if he can find anything new. And so he says, come on, come with me. Let's go see together. And then they walk down the stairs and then, oh, a plane. They find a plane in a big room. And Snowy, of course, is also surprised. And so then they say, but what about an airfield? How did they land? We shall see. There's a door over here with a steel shutter. This is a shutter, right? And steel is what it's made of, the material, right? A steel shutter. So he's opening the steel shutter here. And their question is about an airfield. So we just learned steel shutter. Their question is about an airfield. An airfield is where you can land or a landing place, right? Because planes, they go fast, right? They don't just... Or they end up going... They have to slow down over all of that space, that time. And so they're looking for how they landed. And then Tintin says, oh, the beach at low tide. You see, that was their airstrip. So if you remember back a couple of episodes, we talked about the tide. The tide is if the water is high or if the water is low. And so when the tide is low, it's all the way out there, right? The water is very low. It goes away from the island and there's more space. However, when the tide is high, the water comes in all the way up to here and it fills it in because the tide is high, not low. That was their airstrip, he says. And then he says, oh look, here's another lot of those sacks, right? They're full of forged notes ready for dispatch, right? So these are notes, right? They're bank notes and they're forged, right? They're fake. And he says that they are ready for dispatch, which is to be sent somewhere, right? If someone is dispatched or you dispatch some material or some whatever, that's when you send it to somebody else. I'm sending you this as part of a dispatch. A bit of a fancy word, but that's what it means. Then the other two are going, it's cold down here. Let's go upstairs because they're cold. And then they say, between ourselves, I won't be sorry to leave this place. I, uh, do you believe in ghosts? Right. And so now they're talking about ghosts and then he says, me believe in ghosts. Um, and then he, he wants to leave. They don't like it there. They want to get out of there. A ghost is one of those spooky things that is dead, right? They're invisible, and you can't see them, and they make noises like, whoo, and they both go, oh, and so they're afraid of ghosts, even though he says, I don't believe in ghosts. And then they both go, a ghost, and then he says to be precise, a spook. To spook or a spook is another way to say ghost. And then Tintin says, a ghost? The castle is haunted? Haunted is when there are ghosts somewhere and there's creatures like that. What are they babbling about? Babbling is when you're blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah And then we see them peeking around the corner going, what's happening? And then they both say, Tin Tin. And then he says, oh, it's all right. You can come up now. There's no danger. No ghost. There's not a ghost there, of course. It was this poor old chap howling. He broke his arm falling down the tower staircase just before you arrived. We're the best of friends now. And so Ranko was crying. He was howling. This poor old boy, this poor chap was... And he broke his arm when he breaks something. So he broke his arm. Right? Right before you arrived. But it's okay, we're best friends now, right? They get along, they're friends. And then he says, what are you going to do with him? He's still afraid of the gorilla, of course. The gorilla's crying. And then he says, we'll take him with us. If we leave him here, the poor beast will starve to death. Starving is when you have no food in your belly and you're, oh, I'm so hungry. And then you don't have enough food and you die. And so he's going to starve to death if we leave him on the Black Island. far better to find him a comfortable home in a zoo. So they're going to take him back to the mainland and they're going to find a place that cares for animals, a zoo, and they're going to give him there so that he can live there and be happy. And so now he says, come on, or Tintin says, come on, let's go. The launch is waiting for us. The launch is when they're gonna launch the boat and go back to England, go back to the mainland. Or I think they're going to Scotland, actually. And then meanwhile, so while this is happening, during this, this is also happening at the same time, right? Meanwhile, and he says, aye sirs, you can put it in your newspapers that the Blackguards, Blackguards never been to, for me, Oh man, another one of these with this guy's dialect and accent. He's saying, yes, you can put it in your newspaper, right, because these are reporters, that they Blackguards never been to taken, but for me, I don't know, I don't know what he's saying there. I says to one ye laddy, I says a one ye, ye we ye, I don't know, again, what he's saying. He's saying something about, but he's saying that there's something, there's a problem afoot. There's something happening on the Black Island, he says, I says, and what about the beast? What about the beast, right? The beast is Renko, right? And what about the beast, he says? A bunch of lies, it's not true. And so he's just making us, he's telling the reporters a story. He's telling them a story like I am telling you a story. That they're never coming back, that it's dangerous, right? However, we hear, they're coming, hooray! Oh, come on, good old Tintin, right? Because they're coming back home. And then we see everybody is outside up on the dock here. Everybody is here to see them. And he says, welcome back, sir. Can we have a few details in your own words, right? He wants him to share what happened, his experience to tell the story. with details. Details are little things that happened. So a detail, for example, is this guy's foot, or all these little pieces of paper are small details with the story. And then Tindin says, well, I And then they see Ranko, and they, wow, and they all run away. They all scram, and they run as fast as they can. And Tintin says, how very odd. Did I say something wrong? But of course, they're all afraid of Ranko, the gorilla. And then we see here is the report. Let's see if I can make it big enough to fit on the screen. There we are, and we see forgers found on mystery isle. That's another way to say island. And then police swoop on international gang. And then says the forged banknotes were so perfect, right? These are the banknotes, right? The bank of England. And then we see Tintin here with the other policemen. And of course we have Snowy who has a bone in his mouth. How cute. And then we see Thompson and Thompson are arguing behind Ranko is in the zoo and he's all his arm is hurt his arm hurts And then here we see the the the crooks all going to prison. They're going away police swoop and to swoop is It's usually to catch something. So the police were here and they went boom not actually like that's just what we say, but they swooped in and and saved the day and so then After the newspaper, we see the next morning, aren't you coming back with me by air? And so there, Tintin is leaving. He's going away. And then they say, by air? No, thanks. No, thank you. To be precise, we don't find the pilots entirely reliable. Because remember, they were in an airplane just a few days ago. And so they don't want to fly. They don't want to fly. That's OK. However, Tintin is going to fly by air, so he boards the plane, he goes onto the plane and says au revoir in French, which is goodbye. And then the plane takes off and blows off their hats. Their hats get blown off their head and then we see them flying away. And that is the end of Tintin in the Black Island. And that's all I have for this series. I hope that you enjoyed it. Thank you so much for watching and enjoying. Make sure to subscribe to the channel and comment with how it went. Did you enjoy the series? Did you understand everything? Something? Most things? Let me know. I'm going to be doing more in the future. And remember, transcripts for all of the episodes are always available on I'll see you in another video. Bye!

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